Object preventExtension vs seal vs freeze


ECMAScript 5 introduced new Object methods to Javascript. Among them preventExtensions, seal, freeze methods will be compared to each other.


An object called by this method can't have any new properties being added.


let person = {
  name: "Agustin",
  age: 27,

Object.isExtensible(person); // return false

person.surname = "Ramirez";
console.log(person.surname); // return undefined

person.name = "Maria";
console.log(person); // return { name: "Maria", age: 27 }

delete person.age;
console.log(person); // return { name: "Maria" }


An object called by this method can not have any new properties being added or current properties deleted.


let person = {
  name: "Agustin",
  age: 27,

Object.isSealed(person); // return true

// In strict mode this will throw a `TypeError`
person.foo = "something";
console.log(person.foo); // return undefined

person.name = "Maria";
console.log(person); // return { name: "Maria", age: 27 }

delete person.age;
console.log(person); // return { name: "Maria", age: 27 }

Object.defineProperty(person, "name", {
  get: () => "Juan",
}); // Throw TypeError

console.log(person); // return { name: "Maria", age: 27 }


An object called by this method can not have any further changes done to it.


let person = {
  name: "Agustin",
  age: 27,

Object.isFrozen(person); // return true

person.name = "Maria";
console.log(person); // return { name: "Agustin", age: 27 }

shallow only

All of these methods only work on object properties shallowly, meaning that just work with the direct property references.

let person = {
  name: "Agustin", // Prevented, Sealed and Frozen
  age: 27, // Prevented, Sealed and Frozen
  address: {
    // Un-prevented, un-sealed and un-frozen
    country: "Argentina", // Un-prevented, un-sealed and un-frozen
    city: "Corrientes", // Un-prevented, un-sealed and un-frozen

Feature matrix

Feature default preventExtensions seal freeze
add new properties
remove existing properties
change existing property values

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